Normal Gluten And Casein Digestion To Break Down The Protein

Normal gluten intake in people with Celiac disease is almost unheard of. When gluten enters the body, it can cause an immune response, and that reaction causes the body to attack its cells. This reaction, when combined with the low levels of the two nutrients Glutamine, can make normal gluten casein and lactose digestion very difficult. For people with this type of gluten intolerance to tolerate ingesting normal gluten, they must use special digestive enzymes that support normal gluten, casein, and lactose digestion to help break down the protein and prevent the absorption of the undesirable Glutamine.

Carnosine And Serrapeptase

There are two types of digestive enzymes. One type is carnosine, and the other is serrapeptase. Each enzyme works differently. Serrapeptase is used to break down monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Carnosine has been used to improve brain function, decrease muscle pain, slow down the aging process, and improve overall health. It has recently been found to be very useful for people with celiac disease because it corrects the imbalance of their digestive enzymes that make their condition difficult.

Normal gluten intake for most people is about three to six grams a day, depending on weight. However, there are a few people who need to completely avoid foods with gluten because of a genetic deficiency of the enzyme that creates carnosine. If you think you might be gluten-intolerant or have celiac disease, talk to your doctor about possible dietary restrictions that will help you get the nutrients that your body needs, as well as prevent the symptoms of those diseases from reappearing.

Enzyme Carnosine

The human body makes both carnosine and glutamine, but the enzyme carnosine that the body needs is only produced in the body under specific conditions. In people with the genetics to suffer from celiac disease, there is an absence of this enzyme in their bodies. Since normal gluten casein and lactose digestion cannot take place, they have to rely on a form of energy other than carnosine to keep them going. This other form of energy, commonly known as acetyl-l-carnitine, can help increase the efficiency with which the digestive system breaks down the carbohydrates and fats we consume, thus improving our health overall.

Gluten Casein And Lactose Digestion

If you’re wondering if normal gluten casein and lactose digestion are possible, the short answer is “yes.” It’s not unheard of for someone who has undergone surgery to have no evidence of the disease after three months. And it’s not impossible for someone with normal gluten and casein protein levels to eat a vegetarian diet for up to six months without any negative consequences. But the best way to avoid the risk of digestive complications is to follow a properly designed diet that incorporates the right amounts of both proteins and nutrients while keeping your insulin and glucose levels under control so you can maintain healthy physical functions.

One such diet focuses on eating a diet low in animal products and high in nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Many people mistakenly think that all this means giving up meat but it means substituting some red meats we enjoy for the white ones like turkey or chicken. While this may seem like a drastic change, it can help normal gluten casein and lactose digestion along. To learn more about this approach, check out The Gluten-Free Diet eBook. It can change your life.